Wednesday, December 29, 2010
She Sells Seashells by the Seashore
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday in Photos
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A Week Off
First off, Travis still has his hernia. The surgeon is yet to call him. Apparently a rush "order" on a hernioplasty isn't that big of a deal. Travis tried calling himself. They took his information but said that the doctor has to call him to make the appointment. So weird.
That night we went to the softball game, since I had help from both of my parents. Their team needed another player, so Alex got out on the field for the first time in three years.
After Aiden's nap, we drove up to the Kemah Boardwalk. We met Alexa, Blair and Skylar for coffee and a walk in the great weather. The boys had a great time running around together. Blair showed Aiden the ropes. We saw boats and ducks and lots of people. Aiden seemed to be a little wary of the loud rides, but we got around them. We even took a ride on the train. Aiden seemed to enjoy it, although I think it went a little fast for him at times. He likes to stand and observe things, so a moving train moves a bit quick. He didn't freak out about it at all which was nice to see.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Holey Hernias, Batman!
Our main concern at the moment is how we are going to pay for all of this. Travis does not have paid sick leave. The recovery time for this procedure is 3-6 weeks. Then on top of having half our income, we have to pay for the surgery. It's going to be a rough couple of months - that's for sure.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Is it Friday yet?
Well, I have that right now.
While I won't actually be doing any of the aforementioned activities, I do have many other things to look forward to. My mom, dad and brother are supposed to get into town on Friday night. We have my holiday work party Friday night, sans child. Friday is my last day of work until the New Year.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Sister's Tree
They are learning a few things as they go. For instance, you need to saw off a couple inches from the trunk so the tree will continue to take up water throughout the holiday season. Unfortunately, they didn't learn this until they'd had the tree up for a week, so it was horrible dry by the time we went to decorate it. There were needles everywhere by the time we were done.
After the tree was back in the stand, as straight as we could get it, we strung about 100' of white lights. Their tree topper is a gorgeous gold jeweled star. I'd really like to get the same one in silver for our tree, but I've decided I will only get it if I can find it on sale after Christmas.
Ariel and Robert bought red and gold bulk ornaments and then they picked up several sea turtle ornaments. They are sort of forming their own theme for the tree. We had to place some of the turtles in front of poinsettia flowers so they would stand out from the green branches.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
On Schedule
Monday, December 13, 2010
Aiden's Friends
Nadya was reaching through the farm with a monster hand, making Aiden jump back and laugh hysterically. Kate caught on quick:
Alexey showed Luke how to properly use the dump truck:
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Grinch Who Stole MY Christmas
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I need a shoulder rub
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Dog Days Are Over
Last night we were rolling the ball back and forth to each other. He always sits right in front of me when we do this, so we've never been very far apart. I decided to slowly move myself backward throughout the game to see how far he could accurately throw the ball. Keep in mind that he can't throw it from his hands to mine. The ball bounces along the way. But! He was able to get it to me from 10 feet away! It was getting to the point that I worried it might be too far away for me to get it back to him. If you know me at all, you know I don't have a sporty bone in my body.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
All Lit Up
Monday, December 6, 2010
A Day with a Tree
We decided to go with a short needle tree this year. Every year in the past we got a long needle tree. I've heard they shed easier and honestly, it's a little difficult to get the ornaments on each branch. It didn't take us long to find the perfect tree. It's about 6.5' tall and it was so full that Travis didn't have to stuff cut branches in any gaps this time. HA!
After we got Aiden laid down for his nap, we began decorating the house. Travis put lights on the house, while I did garland and lights on the fence by our driveway. I find it a little difficult to get into the Christmas spirit down here in Texas with the balmy temperatures. It helps a little that it cooled down this weekend. I wore a jacket while we picked out our tree, but it was too warm for the jacket in the sun while I put up the garland.
I can't help but see the irony in the Christmas garland next to the green grass and palm trees...
We have this tiny niche between the new and old cabinets that we have been trying to decide what to do with. I think we're going to try to find some sort of a recycling bin that might fit in here that won't be an absolute eye sore. Until then, it's Aiden's play niche.
We invited Ariel and Robert over to help decorate the Christmas tree. I was really hoping Aiden would get to be a part of that, but we didn't have time before his bedtime. Instead, Travis and I sat with him while "he" hung his first Christmas ornament from last year. The best part is that it's a sheep - his favorite animal of all time. He didn't stop baa-ing until we got him to bed.
Ariel, Travis and Robert played softball before coming over to decorate. I fed them spaghetti with garlic bread and wine. While we decorated the tree, we ate Rice Krispie treats and chocolate hazelnut Pirouettes. Of course I also forced everyone to have a mug of homemade hot chocolate. Needless to say, we weren't the most lively bunch come 10 o'clock.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Best Screamer in Class!
His teachers did inform us yesterday that Aiden is the loudest kid in the class. He yells the loudest when they are outside and he cries the loudest when he is hurt or mad. He seems to have developed this horribly high-pitched keening. Gah. It's the worst when I'm holding him. Ahhh, parenthood!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Facebook Status
"It is inappropriate to tell knock knock jokes to the homeless."
"Stop staring at me Jimmy Wales!"
"You know you're officially getting older when your son asks you, 'Daddy, why do you have train tracks across your head?'"
"Monday = headache"
"Not sure why Micah just ran through the living room carrying two eggs."
"I don't know if it's just me, but don't you think 'LOL' in texting is pretty much the end to the conversation? Meaning, that is all you say back or get back... Crazy times we live in... LOL"
Happy Facebooking!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Second Half

Monday, November 29, 2010
A Very Merry Thanksgiving
The boys all stood around and stared for a good 10 minutes as the first turkey settled into the fryer.
The meal turned out great! Thank you Ariel and Robert!! (Pictured below: Wendy, Mike, Jenna, Ariel and Robert.)
We took in as many Thanksgiving-orphans as we could find. Jenna included!
The nice thing about having a bunch of people around is Aiden finds lots of people to entertain him. Brandon (on the couch behind him) read Aiden several books before passing into a tryptophan-induced coma.
After dinner, Travis fell asleep on the couch. Sadly, he was sick for the majority of the weekend. In a way, it's nice that this sickness fell on days he already had off, but then again, it would have been nice to have him around a little more.
Yes, I am wearing a Snuggie in this photo. It is literally a square blanket with sleeves. So strange. A cold front came in while we were outside playing Taboo, but we were having too much fun to take the time to move inside. Ariel's friends Tara and Kevin came just as we were sitting down for dinner, so they didn't eat with us. But they did stick around for leftovers and games! It was a blast.
Tara's birthday was at midnight, so we sang her happy birthday before they headed out to the bars. Ariel and Robert stayed up to watch a movie and I went to bed.
The next morning, we ate cinnamon rolls and lounged on the couch ALL DAY. Seriously. We came down at 8 to feed Aiden breakfast and Travis was astounded when I came back into the living room at 11 with Aiden's lunch. He could not comprehend that he had just sat on the couch for four hours. It was awesome. We watched Shaun of the Dead, ate leftovers, watched a Law and Order: SVU marathon and ate more leftovers. I'm pretty sure that it's been years since I did that much sitting all at once.
But! It was worth it! We had a great time with friends and family. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Turkey Day!
Who's there?
Arthur who?
Arthur any leftovers?
"I hate turkeys. If you stand in the meat section at the grocery store long enough, you start to get mad at turkeys. There's turkey ham, turkey bologna, turkey pastrami. Someone needs to tell the turkey, 'man, just be yourself.'" -Mitch Hedberg
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A few things I am thankful for, in no particular order...
- My son and husband
- My family
- My friends
- A roof over my head
- My pets
- A vehicle to get to me to and from work every day
- All the fun stuff we have to fill our home
- A job to pay for all the items listed previously
- Oh, and the Internet. ;)
Have a great Thanksgiving!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A little poo shoveling
Aiden trying to find out where the 'Mouw' went

After Aiden's nap, we all went grocery shopping for Thanksgiving food. Then we headed down to Galveston to hang out at Ariel and Robert's until dinner time.
I have heard several people mention going out for Chinese food recently, so I decided it was our turn to hit up a buffet. Aiden has never been to a buffet, let alone out for Chinese food, so I was looking forward to the trip. It was nice to be able to offer Aiden a little of everything to see what he liked. He mostly seemed to enjoy the low mein noodles and a pork dish. It was an excellent, random meal spent with family. It's fun to do stuff like that every once in a while. We should probably do it more often. Especially when it's so hard for us to find a time when we are all off work at the same time!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sunday at the Zoo

My favorite Davidism of the day: "Are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes?"
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Just Call Me Hood Rat
The first was on Valentine's Day. I think it was my first Valentine's Day with Travis, which puts us in 2000. I was 17. We had just dropped off my dad's girlfriend at the airport in Champaign and were headed home for the night. I missed my turn, so I took the next right. It was only after I was already committed to the turn that Travis pointed out that I was pulling into a bad neighborhood. I kind of freaked, and tried to speed through until I could take another right to get back on the main road.
After doing what I like to call a California stop, I got pulled over by a cop. He was very stern, asked for my driver's license and insurance. I was driving my dad's car, so I searched through the glove box for the insurance. The only card I pulled out was expired, but it was all I could find, so I gave it to him with my ID. A couple minutes later two more cop cars pulled up. The first policeman came up to my window, while another went up to Travis' window and had us both get out of the car.
He asked us to empty our pockets, slowly. We did it. Then he asked for permission to search my car. "Sure," I said. I have nothing to hide. He made sure to ask if I had any drugs or weapons in the vehicle. "No, sir." Travis and I just stood on the side of the road where the police had set us and watched them go through my dad's vehicle.
Thankfully, they did not tear into the seats or break anything. I did chuckle when they opened up my Sea World pen with a killer whale on the tip. I'm assuming they were looking for drugs.
After they had completed the search, the original cop came up to talk to me again. He admitted that we looked out of place for this neighborhood, so they assumed we were buying drugs. I explained what had happened and he actually apologized for the inconvenience. He said, under other circumstance, he would have let me go for rolling through a stop sign in a known bad neighborhood. BUT. My insurance card is expired and that's a no-no. Since their reason for pulling me over was for running a stop sign, they had to give me two tickets: one for the stop sign and one for expired insurance.
The good news was they let me drive home. I was shaken, but glad that the cops were nice to us in the end. I had to go to court some time later with the current insurance card to prove the vehicle was insured. Unfortunately, even though the vehicle was insured, I had to pay for a year's worth of this special, expensive insurance for people who were driving without proof of insurance. Annoying, but I could deal. It's my responsibility as a driver to make sure a vehicle is legal before I get on the road.
That following fall, I had graduated from high school and was attending the local community college. I was driving home from class and was planning to stop by and surprise Travis. It was 3:55 pm and I was driving through a school zone. Since the school zone speed changes at 4:00 pm, I decided it was close enough and went the normal posted speed.
Unlucky for me, there was a cop waiting at the very end of the school zone. He clocked me "speeding" and pulled me over immediately. I was parked on the side of a fairly busy road, which was horribly embarassing for me. He did the normal routine and got my driver's license and special insurance card. He came back a couple minutes later and asked me to get out of the car.
Oh no.
I was getting shaky, since I was unsure what warranted this behavior. He made me turn off the car and take my keys and purse with me. After he got me to the back of my car, he asked me if I knew my driver's license was suspended.
Blink, blink.
"WHAT?! No! Why is it suspended?!"
"I'm sorry, but my computer doesn't tell me the 'why', only that it is suspended."
"What? Ok. So, what do I do? What happens now?"
"Well, you can't drive on a suspended vehicle, so I will have to drive you home. Then you can contact your lawyer or the courthouse to find out how to solve this."
By this point, I was SOBBING. I couldn't stop. The police officer told me to stop crying, that I wasn't in THAT much trouble. He said that he would have let me go on a warning for speeding through a school zone right at 4, but he couldn't let the driver's license part go. Are you kidding me?! I have to get a ride home in the BACK of a cop car! That is humiliating and SCARY.
Needless to say, I didn't get to stop by Travis' house. After a little digging, I found out that my special insurance had been cancelled, which was against the rules for my previous encounter with the police. I had to have that insurance for a year and cancelling it beforehand is frowned upon. Question was, why was it cancelled? I had to pay for an entire year in advance. I didn't get any money back, so I had no notification that it had been cancelled.
After speaking with the insurance company, it turned out that they had accidentally cancelled it. HA. My court date was set for something ridiculous, like two months later. In the meantime, my MOM had to drive me to COLLEGE everyday. Then she picked me up and brought me to work. Lucky for us, we worked at the same place, so it was easy to get a ride home from her at the end of the day.
It took one visit, on my court date to prove that it was the insurance company that had cancelled my insurance, not me. I had paid in full and could prove it. They reinstated my license and I have not had a problem since.
The result of these run-ins with the police is that I have a constant fear of all police when I am driving. I am convinced that they will pull me over for something that is just this side of illegal and then find something else monstrous wrong with me or my car. As far as I know, I am doing everything legally. But that's just the thing. If I am doing something illegal, I don't know about it.
All that, topped with the fact that Travis got pulled over here in Texas for driving without a seatbelt when he was, in fact, WEARING HIS SEATBELT, has me a little terrified. Everytime I see a cop on the road, my pulse speeds up and I sweat just a little.
I need therapy.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Mom and Cara

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A Festival
Last year I saw the archery range and really wanted to give it a try, but didn't work up the guts. This year, I decided before we even got to the festival that I was going to try it. You get 10 arrows for $5, so I did five and Travis did five. It was a lot of fun. Too bad I was better at hitting the ceiling panel than the balloons.
Roman Bacchanal toga and face paint
Zach and Friar Luke
There are lots of weaponry shops throughout the grounds. We stopped in several, but this one seemed to specialize in ninja swords. David LOVES ninjas and swords, so he had to stop to check them out.
I got a ton of pictures this year. Normal etiquette teaches you not to take photos of random strangers without their permission. This year, I realized that these people are dressing up because they want their photo taken. I jumped in for a few of them. This first one of me with the fawn was probably my all-time favorite costume.
We spent five hours walking the festival grounds. Last year we got stuck for two hours in the parking lot waiting for traffic to start moving because we left at closing. This year we left before dusk; partially to avoid the rush and partially because we were all exhausted. Linsey is something like 14 weeks pregnant!
A few of the activities in which we partook:
- Fire Whip - although we didn't stay long enough to see him light the whip on fire
- Drench a Wench - a woman sits above the tank berating the throwers and random people in the crowd. She was so vulgar and mean I couldn't stay to watch for long. David and Travis, however, found it hilarious.
- Ate gyros for lunch - VERY delicious
- Tried honey mead - not so delicious
There were a hundred other things to check out along the way, like the costumes (fairies, ninjas, women with corsets that hold their boobs so high it looks painful), the random child riding a llama and the various stages with music that related to the area we were in (gypsies in the greek section, oompa band in the german section and so on).
We had a blast, but I'm pretty sure I am still recooperating from the busy weekend.