Tuesday, May 4, 2010

10 Months Old

Aiden can:
  • Walk while holding onto a toy. He is currently learning how to do this with wheeled toys that move a lot faster.
  • Eat yogurt without spitting it back out. He never liked it before and since it is sweet with strawberries, THIS IS A HUGE STEP.
  • Bite off pieces of food - instead of gnawing on it until it is mush.
  • Push a toy truck around while crawling. The teachers at his daycare said he is the first baby in their class to ever do that.
  • Scream. He's been testing out those vocal cords lately.
  • Reach the kitchen table. Anything placed on the table must now be at least 3 inches from the edge to avoid it crashing down on Aiden's head later.

Apparently he also likes Christina Aguilera. Yesterday we were listening to AMTV (my new morning fave - after the weather, of course). They had a block of Aguilera's older music, so when What a Girl Wants came on immediately after Beautiful I looked up to see why and I noticed Aiden bopping his head to the beat while chowing down on his Cheerios. I'm going to have to keep a better eye on what I expose my son to.

This past weekend, we were walking through Petco when Aiden started saying "ahhhhhh", like you do when the doctor wants to look down your throat. I copied him, then he did it back again. This went on for a moment before I found what I was looking for on the shelf. When I look back at Aiden, he is saying "ahhhh" and touching his tongue. Two seconds later, his finger was at the back of his throat, he gagged and spit up a little of his lunch. I was reminded of that time when Peter Griffin learned about bulimia.

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