Thursday, August 27, 2009

2-Month Check Up

Aiden will be two months old September first. !!! To "celebrate" we went to the doctor's office and let them jab him with needles. UGH.

I look forward to Aiden's doctor appointments to a certain extent. I like getting to find out his growth stats and I like double checking my parenting methods with the doctor, but I DO NOT like when they take his blood or give him vaccinations. Travis and I made the decision, while I was pregnant, to follow the recommended schedule for vaccinations. I work in a lab that is working to get a vaccine put on the market for human use, so I fully understand the importance of vaccinating your child. It was a fairly easy decision for us to make.

The part I'm not at all enthused about is the actual vaccinating. At this visit, he had one oral and two shots - one in each leg. Aiden was a trooper though. He cried for about 30 seconds. It may have been a short 30 seconds, but let me assure you he was pissed! When I dropped him off at the sitter's, with all sorts of fever/rash/irritability instructions, he was being a little fussy. I'm not sure if that was from the needle sticks, or the fact that he was an hour late for a nap due to all the poking and prodding at the doctor's office. I hope he does okay today. If he ends up with a fever, Travis said he would go home with him this afternoon since I took the morning off for Aiden's appointment.

So! The stats...

13 lbs, 2 oz
23.3 inches (my boy's almost two feet tall!)
39-inch head circumference

I'm a little irritated that I never found out Aiden's head circumference at birth, which means I have no number to base that stat on. He is in the 90th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for length. I talked with the doc about his eating/sleeping schedule and she agreed that all is well in my methods. I was a little worried about his lack of bowel movements (yes that's what this blog has come to), but the doc assured me that he is normal. Just like his mommy! ;)

As for the developmental growth, Aiden is right on target. At this age, we're excited that he smiles in response to people and can hold his head up well. Yay! My personal favorite new thing he does is when he is hungry and knows food is coming, he purses his lips and pulls his arms into his chest. This causes his little fists to push up his cleavage. It's adorable and I love it. He has little man cleavage. Bwahahaha!

1 comment:

Alexa said...

Those appointments are so hard! I hate going to them! It is wonderful to get validation though. I am glad you are getting him vaccinated on time. It is so important this day in age to be up to date on the shots. There are so many bad parents not doing the right thing for their child when there are many programs out there to help. Those diseases they vaccinate against are very scarey!

Can't wait to see little man on Saturday!!! I need some baby hugs...

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