Thursday, July 22, 2010


It has been known for a while now, that Aiden is a bully. Whenever he is around kids that are younger, smaller or less advanced than he, then he takes advantage of the situation and will take toys from them or occasionally give a little push (he was stealing Luke's toys at 9-months old). At this point, it does not seem to be out of control, but it is very evident whenever he is in his classroom, since there are plenty of 1-year-olds with a pack mentality.

Aiden is not the alpha, but he is definitely second in command. Who is the Alpha you ask? Why, she is a sweet little blond girl that always gives me a big smile when I walk into the room. She is a little older than Aiden and was moved into the toddler room a few months before he was. The kid that is mostly on the receiving end of Aiden's crimes is a boy who just happens to be the son of another teacher at the daycare. He is a month older, but because of his size he is far behind in his gross motor development.

It is sad. Travis even caught Aiden in action when they were both in the baby room. Travis came in to pick up Aiden in the evening, to find him rearranging the cribs around the perimeter of the room. Wedged between the crib Aiden was pushing and the next crib, was this poor child. Aiden was screaming because the crib wouldn't move any farther. Because that's what he does - screams when things don't do what he wants them to. I'm sure it had just started to happen because the teachers hadn't noticed it yet. Thankfully no one was hurt.

While Aiden does a lot of toy stealing (and fit-throwing when he doesn't get said toy), he has been on the receiving end for the past couple days. Tuesday, he had an accident report. A child had bit him on the hand, but there was no mark by the time Travis picked him up. Apparently that biter is a Known Biter and Aiden just happened to attempt to steal his toy while the Known Biter was mad at another child. Sucks, but no biggie.

Fast forward to Wednesday evening - he had another accident report. This time, another child bit Aiden on his right forearm. I guess this is the only way the bullied children can defend themselves? This time there is a mark. Two crescents with a total of 10 little raised red bumps.

I'm not sure how to deal with Aiden's bullying or his screaming when he doesn't get what he wants. It can be as simple as a door won't open any farther, but since he wants it to open more he throws a fit. Even if I wanted to give him what he wants, there are certain situations where it is physically impossible. In most situations, I don't want to give him what he wants because he is being a snot. I don't know how to deal with this at such a young age. I need to find time to read that toddler book!

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