Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mid-Night Arrival

Gpa is here!  He got in at 1:15 this morning.  Travis went out to greet him and Callaway and to help him carry in bags.  We sat and talked until 2 so he could take it down a few notches before heading to bed.  As tired as I always am after a long drive like that, it's amazing how difficult it is to immediately fall asleep.  I usually feel buzzed and a little like a zombie.  I have to relearn how to talk and walk.  Plus I'm usually visiting family so I get excited to see them. 

While we were chatting, I ate a chocolate chip pumpkin cookie.  I woke up hungry.  Insanity.  I guess I was so excited to see my dad that I had trouble falling asleep at 2.  Needless to say, I'm a little tired today.  I would have liked to meet him for lunch, but I was too busy around lunch time today.  Instead, he is going to meet us at Aiden's daycare so we can pick him up together.  Then we'll go home for dinner.  I bought the ingredients to make grouper, rice and corn on the cob.  I think that might be a strange combination, but I can't really tell.  I was just excited about the corn on the cob.  I'm also interested to see if Aiden likes it.

Seeing Callaway was so funny.  He has lost a lot of weight since we had him last.  I think it's because he gets way more exercise with my dad.  When we had Callaway, he sat at home alone for the majority of the day, then laid at our feet for the evening.  With that lack of exercise, he was still at normal weight.  Once my dad got him, he started bringing him to job sites every day AND taking him for a walk every night.  Callaway has lots of energy, so he has easily kept up.  We are making an appointment for him to see our vet here again.  Hopefully the vet is not concerned.

I had a small reminder of what life with Callaway was like.  The moment my alarm went off this morning, he was in the bedroom pacing next to the bed.  I suppose that's a good thing, because then I don't fall back asleep after I hit snooze.  Then he followed me everywhere.  I almost forgot he would need to be let out first thing, but he sat by the door and made me remember.  I had to stand outside with him because we still have not put the gate up we bought last September and I don't know what Callaway would do now that he has become accustomed to spending a good portion of the day on a leash.  He did fine.  The only reason Callaway ever ran away in the past was because he was being harassed by a pellet gun two doors down.  Of course we haven't seen from the Creeper with a Pellet Gun since Callaway left, which leads me to wonder if he was purposely harassing our dog.

Anyhoo, I can't wait to get home and hang out!  Longest Day Ever.

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