Friday, June 11, 2010

Everything's Eventual

On my walk into work this morning, I realized that the sun was not shining on me as I walked under the overhang from the parking garage. Just months ago, I used to have to position myself just right so that my face was in the shadow to avoid blinding, while my body was in the sunlight. It's interesting the way some things can change so slowly over time that you don't even realize it's happening. Then one day it hits you like running into a brick wall.

Aiden is the best example of this in my life. I feel like just yesterday he was a blob, lying on the floor under his toy arch, with his only concerns ever being when he was hungry, tired or poopy. Now I look at my son in amazement with how much he has transitioned toward toddlerhood. This morning, I decided to ask him how old he was in case he can grasp the concept by the time of his birthday party. (In less than a month - eek!) After I asked him, I said "One!" and held up my finger denoting his age. And what did he do? Held up his pointer finger! Holy cow! When did this kid get so smart?

Yesterday, I was picking up the leftover Cheerios off his high chair tray that he hadn't eaten. He picked up a Cheerio, which I thought he was going to eat, and placed it in my cupped hand with the rest of the leftover cereal.

The other night, we were putting away the clean dishes from the dishwasher when Travis hands Aiden a spatula and asks him to put it in "that drawer" as he points at which drawer he means. Aiden crawls over to the drawer, opens it and drops the spatula inside. Whaa? After clapping at his big moment, we asked him to close the drawer and HE DOES.

Monday, when I got home from work, Aiden crawled over to greet me. I picked him up and he gave me a kiss on the cheek (open-mouthed, but I appreciate it just the same). I was ecstatic so I asked him for a high-five. He's been able to do this for a while, so he gives me a high five, no prob. He's so excited (because I'm awesome, right?) that he starts clapping both sides of my hand at the same time. Then he grabs my hand, turns it to face him and gives me another high-five!

Aiden still gets into a lot of things he's not supposed to, but if we ask him to put it down, or close that door, or please stop (like when he gets excited and tries to push all the food off his high chair tray), he usually does. Sometimes he hesitates, but in the end he usually succumbs. I love my kiddo. I just can't believe he will be 1 year old in 20 days!


Sara's Satire said...

Having a child is the greatest part of my life. JR tells me that I am always trying to talk our friends into having babies - and maybe he's right, but now that you have one could you ever imagine your life without him? And doesn't he provide you with an overwhelming sense of joy that you want all your friends to experience?
Enjoy every moment (especially those that he is obeying), as I am sure you can tell - it goes by so very quickly.

Rachel said...

Rediculous! He's so smart!!!! You guys are amazing parents and Aiden is so great! I can't believe that he's growing up so fast!

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