Monday, August 2, 2010

Crappy Weekend

Early last week, Aiden's daycare warned us that there was a bug going around the school that involved fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Honestly, out of the three, vomiting is my least favorite. We have not had to deal with straight up vomiting from Aiden so far and for that, I am thankful. Other people's vomit always makes me gag. Generally I just get out of the way quick enough that I don't ever actually throw up at all. Once, I cleaned up after Travis and that was only because it was either that, or sit with the smell. UGH.

Needless to say, we spent the week awaiting the bug. Sure enough, Aiden came down with a fever and a LOT of diarrhea on Friday morning. I had to leave work early to pick him up. Then I spent the remainder of the day, changing his diaper every two hours.

Travis had plans already to work on Saturday and possibly Sunday, so I was absolutely dreading the advancement of whatever was ailing the baby. I got SUPER lucky and the vomiting never happened. Just lots and lots and LOTS of crap. Seriously. My weekend was FULL of crap.

By Saturday morning, Aiden's butt couldn't take it any longer and developed a full on diaper rash. He has never had one so bad. It wasn't to the point of bleeding, but it was enough to take his breath away every time I changed his diaper. I resorted to wiping with a warm, wet washcloth to cut back on irritation and switched over to Extra Strength Desitin.

I tried looking up a home remedy and the main one I came across was wiping on Maalox. I don't think that really helped any to be honest. Not to mention, it took forever because you have to wait for it to dry before applying the Desitin top coat. Otherwise, you're just locking in the moisture that is the cause of the diaper rash in the first place.

The rash waned off and on, but it was still present this morning, so I made sure to send Desitin to school with Aiden. The diarrhea was gone yesterday, but he is still having regular, soft poo, which does nothing to help the rash.

Anyhoo, Saturday we hung out at the house by ourselves all day. Travis got another set of tickets to go see the Houston Astros play, so he came home for a shower and went straight out the door. He asked if I wanted to go. By this point, the fever had been gone all day, but I wasn't up for diarrhea + public restrooms. Plus, I'd constantly be in the bathroom because I have been changing Aiden's diaper every hour to help get rid of the diaper rash.

Oh! AND I already had plans to have Jenna over for dinner! It was a nice night just the two of us. I made pork loin and then we went out to the gazebo to imbibe a few beers. We kept it an early evening, which was nice because I'm so not used to staying up late!

Travis ended up working Sunday morning but was home at lunch time. I had to teach him how to change diaper rash diapers and then we got on with our weekend. Since I had spent most of my weekend indoors with poop, I convinced Travis to take me shopping. Yay!

First we hit up Starbucks so we could walk with fraps in hand. Second, we went up to Old Navy to look for jeans, which was a mistake. I never fit their jeans. We did a quick run through at World Market before running over to the mall. I hit up the 5 for $25 sale at Victoria's Secret, then found a couple pairs of jeans at Charlotte Russe. I LOVE their jeans. They have such a huge inventory so it was easy to find the styles I like.

I bought my first pair of skinny jeans! They're amazing. I haven't been able to find a pair that I didn't feel absolutely ridiculous in. These have rolled bottoms so it feels like maybe they balance out my wide hips a little. Maybe it's all in my head. I dunno, but I like them!

After that, we rushed home to eat dinner. After putting Aiden down for the night, we went out to sit in the gazebo for a couple hours.

Despite the title of this post, it was actually a delightful weekend. ;) This poop-filled, single-mother weekend is the reason there was no post Friday and Monday's is late. I know, I know. My followers are upset by my lack of posting. They will survive, I know it!!


Sara's Satire said...

Sounds exactly like what Logan and I had! Yuck!...It always amazes me how my kids can possibly get something that is "going around". Where do MY kids get it from? They are with me all day, which leads me to believe that it is something I pick up from the grocery store or some other public place and the I transfer it to the kids! Gee!
Glad Aiden is feeling better. Landry and JR are now sick...ughhhh. I change her diaper every 2 hours or more. And I let her go about 10 minutes without a diaper,....its a risk, I know, but I do it so so she can air it out as much as possible. Then I put on the diaper rash cream...I use a butt paste...but I am just trying to prevent diaper rash.
Now you know, next time Aiden gets any kind of diahrea, start with the diaper rash cream ASAP, it will help avoid the rash!

Nikki said...

That is a great idea - using it as a preventative next time. I actually hadn't thought about it!! I usually use Butt Paste, but it just wasn't cutting it post-rash. I've used it in the past when he gets a little red, but it did nothing this time. I think the rash is finally gone. PHEW.

Good luck with your sick babies!!

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