After a 4 1/2 hour nap yesterday (he normally sleeps for 3 hours), Aiden finally woke up so I could take him to the doctor. I checked his temperature before we left and thankfully it was back to normal. Because he was feeling so badly and I just knew if I didn't take him that he would wake up sicker than before, I decided to still bring him to the doctor. His normal doctor was not available until Thursday, so I took him to the urgent care clinic next door.
This was the second time I have taken Aiden there and both times there was no waiting time. We just filled out one page of paperwork and then were called into the back.
The doctor took a look at Aiden and said he had a mild ear infection and congestion. That congestion is draining into his throat, causing his vocal cords to swell, hence the nasty sounding cough and nasal drip. Yay. He prescribed Amoxicillin and sent us on our way.
The receptionist asked the name of a pharmacy in which I would like the antibiotic called. I thought for a moment, because I absolutely despise the Walgreen's near our house. I have never been there with a wait under an hour. And usually when I go in around 5 pm, the wait is closer to two hours. As I was pondering where else I could go (it was getting close to Aiden's dinner time), the receptionist recommended Target. Since that is right on my drive home, I agreed.
The Target pharmacy is AWESOME. I don't know why I've never thought to go there before. It is directly on the route out of Galveston, so I pass it almost every day after work. It's the perfect place to go, since I usually need something else from there. We buy Target brand diapers and wipes for Aiden (used to get Target brand formula too), so I go at least every other week. Usually every week.
The best part about Target's pharmacy was the non-existent wait. The longest part of our visit was when I realized my wallet had fallen out of my purse, so I had to go back out to the car to find it.
Also great? The different color rings around the medication, marking each person's prescription as their own. For example, Aiden's meds now will all have a green ring. If I go, I can get a different color ring. That way, each person in the family has a different color ring and we have less chance of mixing up our meds. Thankfully at this point, we don't take enough prescription medication to really need this, but it's an interesting thought for the future.
Greatness #3 = The children's suspensions come with an easy-to-use syringe and withdrawal "port". I don't have to dunk the entire syringe in the liquid to pull it up. If I accidentally tip the bottle over, the hole is so small that only a drop comes out. It's the work of a genius. Or a mother. Either one.
I promise, Target is not paying me for this post. They should be though...
Aiden has been on the antibiotic for a little over 24 hours now. I had noticed this weekend that Aiden's balance has been really off. After about the third time Travis or I joked that he was walking like a drunk, I put two and two together. It equaled four... The ear infection. Although it has not improved quite yet.
He went back to daycare today. No fever and no bites. I consider that to be a successful day for our wee man.
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