Monday, January 25, 2010

Baby on the Beach

I took Aiden to the beach for the first time ever after work on Friday. It was too nice to not get out and enjoy the weather. Since it's about a 30-minute drive home, I figured we could get out in Galveston before the sun went down.

I was hoping Travis would be able to meet us there, but he ended up having to work late. Bummer. Ironically, as we were walking back to the car, Travis drove by in the work van, so we got a honk from Daddy.

There were a lot of people who had the same idea as us, so there was plenty of people watching for us. Aiden just sat and stared at the water and the sand before he started to get antsy. Then I took off his shoes and socks to let him put his feet in the sand. I've decided that baby footprints in the sand are absolutely adorable. I'm kicking myself for not getting a picture of that. I held Aiden's hands so he could "walk", which I realized I have not done very often. I'll have to do it more now that I know his arms can handle it. It was funny because he kept walking backwards. Hopefully he'll get that all figured out eventually.

Here is my little heart breaker going grocery shopping with Mommy. It was chilly that day, so he wore the hat Gramma Carol made for him. He always makes lots of friends at the store, especially since he has been sitting up in the cart. I love the cart cover I got for him. It has two little pillows that sit next to him so he doesn't tip over if Mommy has to make a race car move between the crazed shoppers that always try to cut her off. It's also nice because if he gets cranky, I can just flip him sideways and let him lay back on a pillow. It's like his own personal oasis in the middle of Saturday grocery shopping.

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