Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nikki's Nutshell is Two Years Old

I can't believe it has already been two years since I started this blog. When I read my very first post, I am stunned at how little has changed and yet how much has changed.

We are still living in the same house. We are two months away from being in the clear of any fees if we were to sell our house. The market is miserable at the moment, though, so there is time until we can sell the place (I'm hoping for less time than more). Even then, we still have NO IDEA where we would like to move to. Illinois vs Texas is a constant debate for us.

We still have Callaway and he still licks EVERYTHING - which causes more problems everyday. I do have to give him props for not peeing in the house (except when he is on steroids for his skin) and not digging in the yard anymore.

The obvious change to our lives is Lil Wodie, AKA Aiden. There is no way I have enough time or space on here to mention all the ways he has changed my life. Here is one just for kicks: Now when I watch TV shows and movies and there is a mother with a child, I consider them so much more than I used to. I get honest-to-god mad when that mother does not immediately hold her son and cover his eyes while a crazed gunman threatens to shoot yet another hostage. WHAT IS SHE THINKING?! That boy is going to have some serious mental trauma after this situation without having to witness some guy's brains splatting on the wall. Seriously, what is wrong with her?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Happy 2nd Birthday Nikki's Nutshell!

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