Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October at the Beach

I really wanted to go to the beach this weekend since the weather has cooled down so much. We have been going first thing in the morning whenever we go, to avoid the midday heat. Probably not such a good idea now that it's started to cool down. It was SOOOO windy that we had to use the Murano as a shield from the wind. We still had a good time though.

I made Aiden a "motorcycle" out of the sand. I think he enjoyed it for a good two minutes before crushing the "handlebars". =)

Then Sunday night we went to Travis and Robert's softball game. Sadly, it was cancelled for the second week in a row, but we didn't waste an opportunity to play on their playground!

We went up to meet Skylar last night and she is just as precious in person as she is in her photos. It was so surreal going to meet Alexa in the same hospital in which I had Aiden. It brought back a lot of rough memories. Aiden was a great baby, so no stressful thoughts about him. 'Just' the recovery. Seriously though, Skylar is adorable. She slept the entire time I was in the room. When I went to trade posts with Travis (Aiden wasn't allowed in the room), she woke right up. I ran back in after Travis came back with the news of a wide-eyed baby. Alas, she was nursing by the time I got in there.

It was such a surprise to see how tiny Skylar was. I know they come in a small package, but sheesh. Aiden is a MONSTER now. I know he was never actually as small as Skylar after he was born, but I know he was only a pound heavier. That's itty bitty. Seriously... can't believe it...

I'm hoping to visit the Ramby's this weekend after they are home from the hospital, so hopefully she'll be awake at some point while I'm there. She was mighty colorful in her sleep, but I'd love to see her awake!

1 comment:

Sara's Satire said...

Your son is simply irresistable! I have a hard time remembering how little they are too:(

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