Friday, October 1, 2010


Aiden has a favorite show. This is the first time that I have seen him ever sit down when a show starts.

If you aren't already privy to the world of Nick Jr, it's called Yo Gabba Gabba. The first time I ever saw a clip of this, I couldn't believe it was a real show. After watching it through, start to finish, I actually like it. It's a little trippy, but the colors are vibrant and the "host" is hilariously entertaining. I usually find myself singing along to the various jingles (which happens easier the longer I'm a parent to a toddler). It can be repetitive at times, especially when they are trying to get a lesson across, as in the clip above. BUT! That is excellent for a toddler. Repetition is the only way for him to learn at this point.

I don't know if it's because he has been sick with pink eye and his teeth have been bothering him off and on for weeks or if he is genuinely interested in the show. Honestly, I think he just likes the show. Aiden LOVES music and this show is full of it. If the tickets weren't so dang expensive and currently only available in the middle of a week day, I would take Aiden to the live show.

For the time being, I enjoy that if Aiden is being really cranky and nothing seems to make it better, we can just turn this show on (thank you DVR!) and let him dance his irritations away!


Rachel said...

Bite Bite Bite? No No No! Chomp Chomp Chomp? Yes Yes Yes!

Don't people in costumes freak you out? I can't imagine this is good for a fear of 'who the heck is inside this costume'?!? At least there is no one dressed like a bird!

Nikki said...

LOL! Dressed like a bird... That would definitely be scary in person. After much thought into what you've said, I have decided that it doesn't bother me because I am not seeing these things in person. Even then, it would be neat, as long as they stayed on a STAGE. If they got off that stage, I would FREAK. Although, not in front of Aiden because I don't want him to have unnecessary fears like me...

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