Friday, January 29, 2010
Turning Point (or is it rolling point?)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Only 127 days away!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Breastfeeding Tips
- It can take anywhere from weeks to months to stop producing breastmilk.
- Consider wearing a tight top or sports bra to help dampen milk production.
- Beware of breasts being hot to the touch. If this happens, check your temperature for a fever. You can still get clogged milk ducts after you are done breastfeeding (which I am learning the hard way).
If clogged milk ducts happens to you:
- Warm compresses and hot showers are your friend.
- If it lasts longer than a day, contact your doctor. She may prescribe antibiotics to prevent or treat mastitis.
This is harder than I thought!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Baby on the Beach

There were a lot of people who had the same idea as us, so there was plenty of people watching for us. Aiden just sat and stared at the water and the sand before he started to get antsy. Then I took off his shoes and socks to let him put his feet in the sand. I've decided that baby footprints in the sand are absolutely adorable. I'm kicking myself for not getting a picture of that. I held Aiden's hands so he could "walk", which I realized I have not done very often. I'll have to do it more now that I know his arms can handle it. It was funny because he kept walking backwards. Hopefully he'll get that all figured out eventually.

Here is my little heart breaker going grocery shopping with Mommy. It was chilly that day, so he wore the hat Gramma Carol made for him. He always makes lots of friends at the store, especially since he has been sitting up in the cart. I love the cart cover I got for him. It has two little pillows that sit next to him so he doesn't tip over if Mommy has to make a race car move between the crazed shoppers that always try to cut her off. It's also nice because if he gets cranky, I can just flip him sideways and let him lay back on a pillow. It's like his own personal oasis in the middle of Saturday grocery shopping.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Changing with the Times
- "Switch off the phone." (Phones don't actually have switches anymore, although we can still turn off the phone. Thankfully.)
- "Rewind it." (You cannot literally rewind a DVD or CD as it does not have a tape to wind or rewind.)
- And can we really use the word photograph anymore? Or photo, for short? Photography as defined by
"the process or art of producing images of objects on sensitized surfaces by the chemical action of light or of other forms of radiant energy, as x-rays, gamma rays, or cosmic rays."
Most of our "photos" these days do not ever make it off our computer or other various digital devices. Should they still be considered a photograph then?
Here's a question for the parents out there: What do you do, or what do you plan to do about a phone for your child?
When kids are old enough to use the phone, they will want to talk with their friends after school or on the weekends. Who has a land line these days? I know we haven't for years. Will you give your cell phone to your kid to call their friends? If you do, then your kid's friends will now have your cell number and will be able to call you any time of the day or night. Do you want that? And what about the dreaded "I want a cell phone - all my friends have them!" demand?
I'm hoping I still have the stamina for it in seven years, but my personal plan is to get a land line (if they still exist) so that Aiden has a number to give to his friends and a way to call me after school if he needs. The idea of my young child having an expensive cellular device in his possession thoroughly freaks me out. I would like to avoid that if at all possible. I suppose the pay-ahead option is always there, to allow him to reach me no matter where he is at, without the fear of a $500 phone bill. But still, why is it really necessary? I grew up just fine without a cell phone.
I like to think that I will follow most of the same rules I had as a child. I agree with them and I like to think I turned out well because of them. The significant deviations arise when there are situations my parents never had to deal with. The prime example is cell phones. I am still not 100% sure what we will do. There is still plenty of time for this situation to evolve to an entirely new one.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Doggy Drama
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Nikki's Nutshell is Two Years Old
Monday, January 18, 2010
Enjoying coffee at the moment because I CAN
I have officially stopped breastfeeding. My body is still adjusting, but it was not as bad as I thought it would be. I am super upset about how fast we are going through formula now. Although, the good news is Aiden has started to like rice cereal and he's eating food three times a day. That means his doodie is starting to look like adult-doodie. It cracks me up because now I know when he is dropping a deuce because he gets quiet and still, then the smell hits me. Because of this, we have decided to take him off of the rice starch formula. Good news here is the regular formula is $5 cheaper. And at one tub of formula a week, that's huge savings in a year!!
Travis and I have started a new ritual for our weekday evenings. We take turns making dinner every night and whoever is not cooking, feeds Aiden his bottle and gets him ready for bed. Then we all sit at the table together to eat dinner. Aiden gets a biter biscuit or a piece of frozen fruit in the teething feeder while we eat our meal, then we feed him a little bit of pureed food. He is still mad for green beans and we are trying to get him accustomed to fruit. It seems to be a little tart for him, so he has constant food chills. I laugh EVERY time. Never get tired of that.
Aiden is sitting up so well these days. He still cannot be trusted to sit by himself, but he has almost mastered the skill. I don't know what's wrong with me because I never mentioned this ability to the daycare. I guess I just assumed that they would figure it out. But last week when I was picking Aiden up from school, his teacher asked me if he had ever sat up at home before. Oops! Well, now they know and can work on that with him during the day too.
This weekend was AWESOME. I ended up not getting to sleep in until Sunday morning because Travis went out Friday night. I am thankful I got to do it though!! Travis and I ran some errands Saturday and did a little cleaning around the house. Then we had our friends Allison, Jerry and their daughter Elise over for dinner.
After dinner, we threw Pinocchio on the TV and plopped Elise down in Aiden's chair. When we bought it I was super excited that Aiden could use it as a rocking chair when he was a toddler (right now he uses it in the swing). Elise was a little nervous about leaning back in the rocking chair, so we just reclined the seat for her so she could enjoy the movie. Her favorite part was the Wish Upon A Star video in the bonus features. That girl is so smart it amazes me every time I see her. She will be three in June and can speak VERY clearly. Her vocabulary is insane, she can feed herself with a spoon and she is socially outgoing. That's the fun part for me because there is no warm-up period like there is with most kids.
We stayed up late drinking mimosas (leftover from New Year's) and chatting it up. Aiden was in bed, so we were able to devote our full attention to adult conversation. The best part is I was able to enjoy it all because I knew I would be able to sleep in the next morning. I woke up at 8am feeling completely refreshed. Travis was yelling at me to go back to bed because this was my first chance to sleep in. What?! I DID sleep in! TWO hours!! And if you consider that I usually get up at 5am during the week, that means I slept in THREE hours. Holy cow.
When I got up Aiden was just going down for his morning nap. Travis hopped back in bed and flipped on the telly to catch up on football while I worked on a celebrity crossword puzzle. We didn't get out of bed except to bring food back until Aiden woke up at 10am. Travis went over to the neighbor's house to watch the Cowboys play the Vikings (they lost - boo) and I vegged out more, this time on the couch.
I had to run into work for a moment at 4pm, while Travis took Aiden to the park to play disk golf. I drove straight there after work to walk with the guys for a bit. All in all it was a great weekend!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Two baby-free nights in one week!
Blair was intrigued with Aiden's pacifier. It has a hole in the nipple so you can see into his mouth. About 15 seconds after I took this photo, Blair stuck his finger in said hole.
I can't wait to see this picture from Chris and Alexa's camera. They were all smiling!!! SO CUTE. Blair wanted to hold Aiden again, which cracks me up to no end.
Monday night, I was out drinking again!! Ha. A friend at work just finished graduate school and headed off to Maryland this week. To celebrate, he got a bunch of people together at a pub in Galveston. I killed time after work at Ariel's house, then headed to the pub. I stayed until 10:15, which was much later than originally planned, but I was having too much fun to leave! It was so nice to talk with Nadya, without the kiddos distracting us constantly.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Dog Interrupted
He is so pitiful right now. Poor guy. Last night I took him outside to go potty. He got a little overzealous and tried to run up our back stairs like he always done. That stopped after the first step. I'm pretty sure the stitches pulled on at least one of the three biopsies on his belly. I think we got lucky and the site of the mass is unreachable for him to lick.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Baby Hair Gel
Last week we went out for Cajun seafood in Galveston. My mom and I each got cajun shrimp and Travis got the cajun grilled snapper. The seasoning on everything, including the potatoes, was ridiculously spicy, but it was DELICIOUS! Aiden had a great time playing in the high chair (SO COOL). As we were packing up the baby gear, the server asked if we were leaving. I told her ya, the baby was getting cranky. She was surprised we thought so because she hadn't heard a peep out of him all night. Gotta love it.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Crazy Kate
Monday, January 11, 2010
Winter Leaves
I made a request that Rich leave one pile of leaves so we could have a photo shoot with Aiden. A few days after New Year's I finally found free time when it was not raining to take Aiden out in the frigid air. He was sporting his Christmas sweater and the hat Gramma Carol made for him. Oh and his little turtle shoes. =D
That leaf pile is still sitting in the front lawn, killing the grass underneath. We'll get to that later...
Friday, January 8, 2010
Craving some pie and warm custard now...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
VIP Passes
The Rockfish kindly posed for a quick photo shoot with Aiden. Either that or he was trying to figure out how to get to his next meal.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Aiden's 1st Christmas
When it came time to open gifts, Aiden was a champ. Despite being ready for a nap, he was game for some paper tearing. I'm sure he did not understand the concept of opening presents, but he definitely enjoyed the papers and colors.
He got a super cute reindeer bib from Gramma Brenda and a home-knit hat from Gramma Carol. The list of toys is too long for here, so lets just say he's set until he starts walking.
We opened all of our gifts Christmas Eve, and saved the stockings and Aiden's presents for Christmas morning. I think it was a little less stressful spreading things out.
Aiden always enjoys time in the door jumper. Gramma Brenda made things more interesting with surprise tickles and games of Peekaboo. Aiden has also become very aware of all our animals. Poor kid is going to think it's normal to have your very own zoo.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
6 Months
- 16 lbs, 13 oz
- 26 inches long (his percentile shrinks each time we go to the doctor)
- 4 shots (2 in each leg) + 1 oral vaccination = 4 band aids
Four shots folks! And the doctor wanted to do five! Now that Aiden is 6 months old, he is eligible for the novel H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccines. Since his fever spiked at over 103 degrees after his last vaccinations, I opted to skip the seasonal flu shot for now. I have to bring him back in three weeks for the novel H1N1 booster and I'm thinking about getting him the seasonal flu shot at the same time. I'll probably call ahead to see if that's even an option (since it's only a nurse visit).
I'll tell you what - that was the longest it has taken to give the vaccinations thus far. It felt like a decade of baby crying before I was allowed to pick him up. Horrible! Horrible, I tell ya!
No fever this time. It could have something to do with giving him Tylenol every 6 hours for a whole day after the appointment. Or it may have just been a fluke thing last time. No telling.
The doctor said Aiden is doing great developmentally. I was reading in my book that by the end of this month, Aiden could be able to feed himself a cracker. I can't believe it. I've started the weaning process this week. It's definitely harder on me that it is on him. This is all going entirely too fast for me. Call me an old lady, but I think he needs to SLOW DOWN.