Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I know the title to this entry is not the most pleasant, but now that I thought of it I'm having a hard time thinking of anything else! You'll understand what I mean in a minute:

Recently, there are two things that have been bothering me to no end. One is the difficult task of fitting into my jeans every morning. I do not think I'm fat, but I don't believe that I should just go buy new pants everytime my weight fluctuates. The second irritation is my complete and utter loss of memory. I've always had long term memory problems. For example, ask me what Travis and I did for Valentine's Day two years ago and I won't be able to recall. Lately, my short term memory has been suffering also. I have been taking Ginko Biloba for over a month and haven't noticed any changes. Now what do these two items have to do with each other, you ask? I have decided to go a week sans alcohol, pop (soda - to my Texas friends) or sweets. I feel that this will help with my over-the-jeans-bump and hopefully have an effect on my memory. If it does not, I will set up an appointment with my doctor. I have a few miscellaneous issues that should probably be addressed anyways. I'm on Day 2 now and things are going smoothly so far.

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