Saturday, October 31, 2009

10 Things that Scare Me

In no special order other than how they spilled out of my cranium:

  1. Bugs stuck in my hair.
  2. Outliving my child, husband, a good friend or any other family member for that matter.
  3. The unknown (that includes whatever is in dark, what might go wrong during risky activites like skydiving or bungee jumping, etc.)
  4. Someone abusing my child without my knowledge.
  5. Never being able to sell our house.
  6. Stray dogs.
  7. Scary movies. I don't even waste time trying to watch them anymore.
  8. Sitting in my car with the doors unlocked. I feel like a sitting duck.
  9. Speaking of ducks, uncaged birds really freak me out.
  10. The thought of having to deliver another child or two (a requirement if we go through with the plan to have more kids).

Have a fun and safe Halloween!!


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