Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Random Twist of the Week

Ariel is taking a car, then a bus, then a train to Illinois today. She started her journey at midnight, when Robert and another friend drove her to the bus station in Houston. What is normally a six hour drive in the car becomes a seven-hour and 15-minute drive via bus to New Orleans. From there, she has a five hour "layover" while she waits for the departure of her train to Illinois. I stopped questioning why my family does things long ago.

Apparently my dad needs help doing some work and he would prefer it if Ariel was the one to do the work. I'm sure he is offering it to her mostly because she has not been working for a few weeks now. The construction company she was doing work for started running low on jobs that Ariel could/would help with. Since then she has been sitting on her thumbs. I'm thinking part of the method to my dad's madness is to get Ariel up and moving again. But I'm also thinking this whole shipping-Ariel-to-Illinois-for-a-week thing is a little over the top.

Whatever. I guess it's not hurting anything. Ariel had thought about staying home through Christmas, but my dad said he didn't have enough work for her for that long. I'm happy she decided to come back because this way she'll be around for Thanksgiving. Hooray for family during the holidays!

I hope Ariel makes her journey safely. I had a mini-nightmare last night that I stopped at a gas station and some creep tried to accoust me in my car. I made it away after a minor struggle. Gives me the heebie jeebies having that dream at the beginning of my sister's trip. Eek!

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