Monday, November 10, 2008

That weekend went too quickly

Not a whole lot to say about this weekend. Friday night, Travis and I went over to Chris and Alexa's for dinner. Kai and Melinda came too, so we finally got to see Kai's big, new GMC truck. It's very Texan-y, AKA LARGE. Silly boys with their toys. We also got to meet the newest addition to Kai and Melinda's family - a little fox terrier named Marley. He is so cute! Only a few months old. Anyhoo, the food was delicious and it was nice to spend a little time in Chris and Alexa's "new" house. Blair is such a happy kiddo, so he is always a delight to be around.

Saturday, Travis worked and I went shopping! I decided to get started on our Christmas shopping so I don't have to do it all at once right before the trip to Illinois. My hope is to buy a few gifts each weekend. I got everything on my list for this weekend, plus groceries. Saturday evening, I made steaks and fillet Mignon for dinner (just cuz) and we watched a movie. We tried to watch one of our movies from Blockbuster online, but when I pulled it out, it was broken in half. Annoying. Our second choice was Baby Mama. That movie was FUNNY - even Travis liked it. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are so good together.

Sunday, I did nothing except catch up on the DVR again. I think I cried at every other show. Which is not a good idea right now because it is SO dry outside. The cool weather got rid of a bunch of the humidity and my body is not used to this. Travis made himself useful yesterday and FIXED THE KITCHEN CABINETS!!! Yea!!! Now I don't have to worry about my dishes crashing to the ground at any moment. It sucked for him though, because he forgot his drill (again) and decided to do it manually with a screwdriver. It took him FOREVER to put in four screws. It made a HUGE difference though. I can no longer see the unpainted portion of the wall that had been exposed as the cabinet drooped. Scary.

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