Monday, September 20, 2010

"Listen here, Cupcake!"


Not really the end, but I'm having a hard time putting all my thoughts in order about this weekend. Let's start with the baby shower. It went great! Sort of. Friday night, Rachel came over to help me make all the desserts, including decorating. Everything turned out great that night. But overnight, the icing melted off all the cupcakes, which is exactly what happened to the cupcakes I made for Aiden's birthday. Unfortunately, this time we didn't have time to fix them the next day. Last time, Rachel came earlier to repair the goodies. This time, she got a flat tire, which postponed her arrival. To solve the problem, we decided to call them glazed cupcakes. HA.

The only other snafu was the slushies wouldn't freeze. It froze solid in my freezer over night, but managed to completely thaw out on the ride to the party house. Then there wasn't enough time for it to refreeze before the shower. Bummer.

Besides that, everything went smoothly. A couple of Alexa's friends came early to help me set up the food table and we finished with enough time to chat for a bit before the first party goer arrived. We had food, talked, played a few baby shower games and then rounded it off with glazed cupcakes. I got to meet a bunch of Alexa's friends for the first time and they were all so friendly. One of the girls at the party even brought her 3-month old baby girl Mackenzie. ADORABLE. And the perfect accessory to bring to a baby shower!

After the party, we hung out at Chris and Alexa's for a few hours. All the guys hung out at their place two doors down during the party. Our long-distance friend Chris W. even showed up for a bit. It was great to catch up! Blair and Aiden each got to be one of the guys for the afternoon. Aiden loves following Blair around to see what he will do next.

Travis and I were discussing parenthood the next day. One of the couples that came for the party didn't have any kids and is not planning to have kids for many more years. Travis said he knew the guy didn't have kids within moments of him walking in the door because of how much he cussed. What's funny, is I remember those days. I used to be that person. That person got toned down a bunch even before I got pregnant because of all the babies that I was surrounded by. That has only become more so since Aiden has begun babbling.

Once Travis and I came to this realization in our conversation, I started thinking about parenthood. I have always had a hard time picturing me as one of the parents that I remember as a kid. I still feel too young to be one of those people. I kept thinking that maybe it was because the parents I remember had teenage kids, which means I have another decade before I reach that point. But now I'm thinking it has more to do with having a child. It forces you to become more responsible and selfless and authoritative.

I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it looks like I just might turn into a traditional parent yet!


Sara's Satire said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I dont feel as though I am old enough to be on of "those" parents. Sometimes, I dont feel like I am old enough to even have children. Then I remind my self that I am 27....and go oh yeah...I am old enough! LOL
I dont know if I qualify for a conventional or traditional parent yet. I just take it as it comes, and try to learn ad I go. I have a feeling Landry will turn out more well behaved than Logan....only because I learned so much with him! Oh well, he's still young - plenty of time to correct his bad behaviors!

Alexa said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the greatest shower! I loved every moment of it. You are the BEST. Rachel is AWESOME as well, if she were not a genius scientist that is going to save the world, she could be a baker :).

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