Friday, January 9, 2009

16 Weeks

Tuesday I hit the 16-week mark in my pregnancy. It's amazing to me how quickly my pants got too small for me. I haven't gained but maybe 3 to 5 pounds since the beginning of this pregnancy, which certainly cannot be enough to alter the fit of my jeans. I fluctuated that much daily prior to carrying a child. I'm pretty sure my hips are spreading. Or have spread. Whatever. Either way, I can no longer button the top button of my pants AND sit down at the same time. It causes some sort of uncomfortable pressure that I would prefer to avoid.

I do however, feel like the baby bump has finally made it's arrival within the past week. What do you think?

4 weeks

16 weeks

Travis loves the bump and I couldn't be more ecstatic. I was so worried that he would see me as this cow that keeps invading his space and not want to have anything to do with me. If anything the baby bump has had the complete opposite effect. I LOVE IT. At this point, I love being pregnant. I think I am pretty much over the morning sickness. As long as I eat immediately after waking up in the morning, I don't have any nausea. The few times I waited an hour to eat, while in Illinois, I quickly regretted it. I only threw up once and it was many a moon ago. I'm so happy I made it over the crappy hump of the first trimester. This second trimester is winning with flying colors at this point!

PS - Current cravings are salads and apples with cheese. YUM!


Sara's Satire said...

Definitely notice the bump...although only when you have your shirt up like the cant really tell in your everyday clothes. You are adorable!

Nikki said...

Awwww. THANKS!

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