Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Before 2002

I had another strange dream the other night. I am sure that doesn't come as a surprise to many of you.

I dreamt that Travis, Ariel and I all had to go to the cell phone store to upgrade our phones. When we all went out to the camper (none of us own a camper in real life) to drive into town, this tall guy got in behind the driver's seat and took off with us in the vehicle. He was driving in the direction we needed to go, so I didn't say anything to the familiar looking man. A few moments later, he pulled into the strip mall parking lot of our cell phone store and parked the camper. We all got out and headed for the store, like this had been the plan all along. The guy headed towards the pizza place next to our cell phone store and said, "Come get me when you guys are finished. I'll be right in here."

My dream ended shortly thereafter and I woke up trying to figure out who that guy was. It actually took me a couple minutes to realize that he was a friend of Travis and mine when we lived in Illinois. Suddenly, I was reminded of a whole time of our lives that I had forgotten about. I know I've mentioned before that I have a bad memory, but this is ridiculous. I completely forgot about the two years between when I graduated from high school and when Travis and I moved down here to Texas.

Don't get me wrong, I do recall that I had two years before we moved here. And I remember that I went to a community college and got my Associate's degree during that time. But it seems I dropped every recollection of our social life.

We had this large group of friends that we made through a guy that Travis worked with at Quizno's during his last two years of high school (yes, that's right. Travis is two years my junior). This Quizno's guy went to school at the large university in the town where we lived. He lived in a rented house on campus with a friend and his twin.

My best friend Chrissie ended up dating the Quizno's guy and we all started hanging out every weekend. The location changed every weekend as we took turns hanging out at a different friend's house each weekend. At the end of each night we either stayed the night at the Quizno's guy's house, or we headed back to our house.

I suppose the fact that I totally forgot about this time of my life should give you an idea of our weekend activities. That's about the time I learned to like beer. It's crazy to think about how far Travis and I have come since then. Every time I think about how much our life is about to change with the birth of this child, I am amazed and grateful for everything Travis and I have done in our lives together. I don't know what brought up the random memory of the good old university group, but that sure made that dream just as random as the rest of them to me.

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