Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Few Things I Miss

There are a few things I miss while being pregnant. Of these, the food items that I pine for the most are feta cheese, wine and sugar substitutes. Feta is awesome and I don't know how I ever lived without it. Unfortunately, I'm not supposed to have it right now since it is not pasteurized. Wine, I don't need, but I LOVE with certain foods. One of them being feta. I have tried having a glass of red wine since I've been pregnant, but it doesn't taste the same. I'm not sure if it's because I am out of the habit of drinking alcohol or if it's because my taste buds are reacting differently.

The sugar substitute is probably what affects me most often. I have purchased food I used to always get and brought it home only to find that it has some form of sugar substitute within. I'm finding that I pretty much should not get anything with the words Light or Lite in the name. The Yoplait Light I just got - out of the question. Those Popsicles I got a few weeks a go - out of the question. Sweet'n'Low in my iced tea - out of the question. (And it dissolves so well in the cold temps!) Sugar-free gum - out of the question. I never realized how much I ingest that contains fake sugar.

The doctor (and all the prego magazines I've been reading) suggests not having sugar substitutes because they have not been around long enough to know what the long-term effects are on the fetus. Since I am only pregnant for nine months, I don't mind skipping it. I guess I just need to spend a little more time in the store reading the ingredients before making my purchase.

I have started to feel the baby kicking every day. I love it! I can't wait for it to get stronger. Right now, I only notice it if I'm sitting quietly. Sometimes I can even feel it with my hand on the outside. This past Friday Travis and I were sitting on the couch after dinner watching TV. I started to feel Lil' Wodie fluttering around in there and automatically put my hand on my belly. Travis was asking me every day if he could feel it yet, so I wanted to be on top of things. Well, that night, Travis got to feel the baby kicking! I felt it a lot more than he could, but he felt it nonetheless!

It is so exciting! When it is stronger, Travis will be able to feel it better and I can't wait for that. The weird thing is that I only feel the baby kicking on the right side. The doc told me the placenta is on the front of my uterus, meaning it will be harder for me to feel the baby kicking. The added tissue between my skin and the baby will inhibit that. I'm starting to think that the placenta is only on the left, front, which is why I only feel him on the right side.

Being pregnant really is the coolest thing. At least so far. ;)

Random pic from Sunday. That's my belly in the plaid.

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