Thursday, June 18, 2009

39 Weeks

The other day, I was eating breakfast while sitting Indian style at the table. When I stood up, I had this strange sensation in my right foot like it was more swollen. I looked down to find this:

I know you probably don't have a good idea of what my feet looked like pre-pregnancy, but let me tell you they did NOT look like this. Do you see that spot on the top right where you can actually see veins? That's where my foot pressed into the chair while I was sitting with my legs crossed. All the swelling moved to the rest of my foot. EW.

At this point, aside from my child, the part I am most excited about when it comes to having the baby is the thought of all this swelling going down. It is SO uncomfortable.

I had my weekly appointment with the OBGYN this past Tuesday. I am still only 1 cm dilated, meaning I have not progressed at all. We made a standing appointment for an induction on Monday, June 29th. That way if I'm still preggers by then, there is an end in sight. My doctor is gone on vacation all of next week - the week of my due date. I scheduled my appointment for next week with one of the other doctors. That way, my chances of having a doctor I know in the delivery room increases slightly.

Doc says the baby is big, but not ridiculously huge, so we will wait for now. I have officially begun with all the old wives tales in hopes of bringing on labor: spicy food, raspberry leaf tea, walking... My doctor even recommended trying them, which is hilarious. She also said she heard eggplant can bring on labor, so my mom has the ingredients ready to make eggplant casserole Friday night for dinner. Travis is convinced that Asian food is going to do the trick, so we are going out for Chinese and a movie tonight.

Honestly, I have a feeling that this kid is going to wait until that induction to come out. I can sense his stubbornness. I am beyond uncomfortable now. I can say with complete certainty that I am ready to have this baby. I was feeling nervous for the past two weeks because I am so big, but I did not have that I'm-so-miserable-just-get-this-baby-out feeling. I'm totally over that. There's a chance I'm not even scared of the delivery anymore either. Ha!

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