This weekend was fairly ho-hum for us. We kept busy, but nothing crazy. I know it wasn't quite the weekend yet, but Thursday we watched the movie Juno - IT WAS SO GOOD. I laughed hysterically for the first half. Juno's character was absolutely hilarious. That's another DVD I'll be buying. Friday night we went over to Sara and JR's for a delicious meal of beef stew. Sara's friend Dana came over too, so we hung out over there for the rest of the night. Travis worked on Saturday, so he didn't stay late.
Saturday I ran a bunch of errands. First on my list? My hair appointment! For just a trim, I usually go to some cheap place like Super Cuts. I've never had a problem with those place, so the price seems just right for me. But when I go in for a color change, I go to a nice place. I'm not going to risk the integrity of my hair with just anybody! =D I decided to get highlights again for the summer and I'm attempting to get rid of my layers. It will probably take a few months to do this, so in the meantime, my hair is a little shorter than I had wanted. In the following panel, the first photo is my previous brunette color. The second photo is my new, shorter blond hair, straightened. The third photo is my new, shorter blond hair, scrunched.

I am totally in the car the last two pics. But I was stopped at a stoplight in both... I swear. I have always had blond hair. I'm not sure why it's taking me so long to get used to it again. Nehoo! I ran a couple errands (picked up my new glucometer, grocery shopping, dropped off camera for repair, etc.) and then that evening I went to the movie theater with Sara. We saw the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It was pretty good, but I tell you what, that first scene where Sarah breaks up with the main character, is hilarious. There are a bunch of shots where you see a full frontal of the guy. It surprised us every time!
Sunday, Travis and I took Bella to the vet. She was due for her annual visit, but most importantly we wanted to discuss her inappropriate elimination. Turns out, she DOES NOT have a urinary tract infection. That means that it is a behavioral problem. Shoot me. Just shoot me now. The doctor gave us this thing that looks like a Glad plug-in that contains an imitation cat pheromone to promote happy cats in my house. So far so good, but then again it's only been a day since we plugged it in. I sure hope this works, because the last thing I want to do is pill that psycho every morning with Kitty Prozac. She was so mad at us on the way to the vet that she peed in her carrier. Talk about yuck! I can't wait to go a day without smelling cat pee. Seriously.
Travis spent the rest of Sunday working on widening our driveway with our across-the-street-neighbor, Cowboy Willy. (Yes, he really goes by Cowboy Willy.) He dug up the grass on either side and gave the sod to Willy in repayment for his help. Then he spread the remaining dirt in all the random holes in our yard, including those dug up by Callaway in the backyard. That evening, we had Ariel and Robert over for fajitas. There was this awesome deal at HEB: buy the pre-seasoned fajita meat and get the following for free - beans, shredded cheese, Jalapeno cheddar sausages, shredded lettuce, tortilla shells and a 2L of Sprite. Freakin awesome deal. After dinner we watched Sweeney Todd. I've decided that I'm just not made out for musical movies. I like going to the theater to see musicals, but it's just not worth it on the TV. On a fun note, we did try a healthy treat of edamame instead of popcorn during the movie. It was pretty good. It reminded me of roasted Chinese chestnuts that we used to eat all the time when we were little. Ah, memories.