Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Birthing Blitz

Saturday, Travis and I had an all day birthing class. It started at 9 in the morning, so we all were a little groggy first thing. The class started with informational videos and instruction from the nurse in a classroom setting. I felt a little bit guilty when the instructor said that she watched a bunch of us waddle into the building that morning and that we shouldn't be waddling that early in the morning. I wanted to scream, "I'm not waddling! I'm limping!" Stupid sciatic nerve.

Speaking of, I went to the chiropractor last night and told him about my fears of The Adjustor, so he didn't use it at all. He was able to do a little twist and get a pop out that way. Then he did some soft tissue massage that hurt a little bit, but nothing like the damage caused by The Adjustor. It feels slightly better this morning. I'm still trying to decided if it's worth it.

When I went into my doctor, she recommended using a heating pad and then a cold pack to ease the swelling around the nerve. Then use a belly belt to help take some of the pressure off my belt. The chiropractor wants me to go a step further and get this thing called a trochanter belt to help support my hips. LOL! I don't know if the cost is worth it. I only have a couple weeks left.

Back to the birthing class... After the informational portion, just before lunch, the nurse showed us some relaxation methods to use while I am in labor. We started by giving the "partners" a massage so they wouldn't feel left out from all the fun. When my dad asked me what I learned in this class, I told him that I found out Travis actually knows how to give a massage. I think that maybe after all these years he's been faking the fact that he sucks at back rubs. But now I know the truth!

We had an hour for lunch, so we went to this cute little French bistro. I'd been there once before with Rachel, but Travis had never been. I was very surprised when he actually liked the food. He's usually into more manly type places. Although I guess if you give him a good sandwich, he'll be happy anywhere. I told Travis that I felt really guilty about bringing back a cup of iced coffee to the class (you know, the whole limit your caffeine intake during pregnancy thing). That's when he informed me that most of the women had a cup of coffee with our morning snack during the class. Phew! I got out of that one!

We spent the afternoon watching birthing videos (YIKES) and touching up on c-sections and pain control. After watching those videos, I have absolutely no idea why anyone would want to have a baby WITHOUT an epidural. ALL of the births without pain control looked absolutely miserable to me. That epidural is the way to go. And I'm getting one as long as I don't have a super fast labor that leaves no time for drugs. If I am anything like my mother, that's not a "problem" I'll have.

We finished the class off with a tour of the hospital. I feel much better now that I know where everything is, and more importantly that Travis knows where everything is. I have a feeling that the next time I enter that hospital, I might not be fully aware of my surroundings. We also got to spend a few minutes at the nursery window staring at the teeny tiny babies. I could have stood there all day.

Now all we have left is the infant CPR/first aid class and we will be ready for Lil Wodie!

After the class, Travis and I went to Target to trade in the duplicate gift and pick up a couple more items for the nursery. Here's what we've got going on so far...

New boppy and bedding accessories. You can also see the little baby bath tub that we have absolutely no idea where we will store.

Pop Monkey crib bedding.

We put the rocking chair from Travis' mom in our bedroom for late night nursing sessions. We discovered that we might need a chair pad to put underneath because it doesn't rock very well on the carpet.

1 comment:

Sara's Satire said...

Sounds like yall are pretty much ready for him to make an appearance! YEA!

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