I guess this baby really is going to change our lives. Teehee.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The Weekend Before
I guess this baby really is going to change our lives. Teehee.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Rebirth of Galveston
Friday, June 26, 2009
Congratulations Nadya & Alexey!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Pop Legend Dies
Last Day
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
40 Weeks
Belly Movement from Nicolette Ward on Vimeo.
Bad news. I've got stretch marks. =( They are forming around my belly button piercing scar. At first I didn't realize they were stretch marks because they are not red like I've seen in photos and videos. I'm pretty sure that's what these are. Dang it. So close! It's gross because I have limited feeling on that skin. Although whenever I scratch it on something, it hurts like hell. Doesn't make sense now that I think about it...
I can't remember if I've mentioned it on here or not that I have started drinking raspberry leaf tea. I thought it was supposed to bring on labor (old wives tale), but it turns out that's not what it's for. It's actually recommended throughout pregnancy to strengthen the uterus and therefore shorten the length of labor. I think I believe this "old wives tale". I have been having crazy strong contractions for the last week and that's how long I've been drinking the tea.
It doesn't take much to set off one of these hard Braxton Hicks contractions anymore either. Every time I get out of bed (which is about 3-5 times a night), walking to and from my car at work, putting away the dishes, bending over to pick something up off the ground. You name it, I'm contracting. My belly turns into a rock. The funny thing is, Lil Wodie is so big now, that he almost always has some limb or butt cheek poking out of my belly. When I have a contraction, it's like my skin suctions around his body like a vacuum. My "baby bump" looks like a lumpy bag of worms or something more endearing than that.
Sleeping has become increasingly difficult. Every night I spend about 10 minutes trying to get as comfortable as possible. Since it's not possible for me to be completely comfortable, I just try to find a position that does not pull or push on this gigantic basketball that I'm carrying in front of me. Travis even gave up one of his pillows to the cause the other night, putting me at five pillows. I don't know how there is any room left for Travis!
Travis has been such a trooper. I know he hasn't been sleeping well lately. I shake the bed like an earthquake every time I get in and out to pee throughout the night. Half the time I end up falling on him because I trip over Callaway, Callaway's toy or the comforter that has fallen off the end of the bed.
I haven't been sleeping all that great lately either. Although the weird thing is that I'm not miserably tired, except for around 2pm every day. This past weekend I woke up at 3:15am for a bathroom break. When I laid back down I just could not fall back to sleep. When the clock flipped to 3:45 and my stomach was growling, I decided to give up the fight and get up for a mid-night snack. I ate a bowl of cereal and played Mah Jong on my computer. At 4:45am, I decided I would have a better chance of falling asleep in my bed than I would sitting up at my computer and headed back to bed. Luckily it was during the weekend, so I didn't have to deal with getting up at 6 for work.
My doctor's office called me yesterday to let me know the details about my induction. It is scheduled for Tuesday, June 30th. If I am still pregnant by then, I will go in the Monday before for bloodwork and to fill out some paperwork. Then I have to be in the hospital at 7am to start the Pitocin drip. I hope, hope, hope that I go into labor before then. I do not want to wait until I am 41 weeks to have this baby! He's just going to grow more as the time passes.
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Grandmas are here!
The baby shower I went to was super cute. It was for a fellow employee who is approximately 5 weeks behind me in the incubation period. She is expecting a boy too. Her and her husband are naming him Luke. I'll give you a hint with Lil Wodie's real name: it's not Luke. =p But that is a great name! I'm just happy it's not the same as the name we have chosen. Because then we would have to silence someone...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Chinese and The Hangover

Nice, huh. Two, someone lit up a cigarette IN the movie theater. I couldn't believe it. At first, the smell was light, so I thought maybe someone had been smoking somewhere else in the building and it was just reaching us. But then it got overwhelming. I was getting ready to go make a complaint when the woman in front of me got up to do just that. Problem was the theater was already filled with smoke by this point. Even without lighting another cigarette, we were stuck with what was left. There was only half an hour left so we just roughed it. But how rude is that?!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
39 Weeks
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Dogs at the Beach
Sunday we decided to do something outdoors. We settled on the beach, even though it was hot as hell. Needless to say, both my mom and I are fried. The only positive thing here is that we were wearing clothes, not swim suits, so our skin exposure was limited. Unfortunately, part of my burn area includes my shins and the top of my already VERY SWOLLEN FEET. Here are a couple snapshots from our day of frying at the beach:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
3-Year Comparison

Monday, June 15, 2009
The Curious Case of Up Stories
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Giraffe
Thanks Rachel!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Don't Use Craigslist!
Suspect in pregnant woman's murder left trail of Craigslist clues
3 Years
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Finishing Touches
Ariel bought a picture book for me to use as art
A cute wooden zebra from the grandma-to-be
Travis wanted everyone to think he painted these wall decals in the nursery. So if he asks, tell him you believe he made them all by himself. ;)
I'm thinking about dangling something mobile-like from the shelf as a distraction during diaper changing.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, Part Deuce
Monday, June 8, 2009
First Weekend with Mom
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Mohawk Runner

Here is a crappy picture of the article in the paper the day after the meet that my dad sent me (via phone). Alex made it in there with his mohawk! (He's the runner on the right.)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Returned the Short Bus
Friday, June 5, 2009
Anti-Itch Cream
Thursday, June 4, 2009
A slow and terrible death
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Remember the 90's?

Check out those buckaroos! I had to wear head gear for over a year in middle school because of them. I really hope our children are not cursed with my horrid orthodontics.
I'd also like to point out the acid wash, tapered jeans and tubular vest. I think this photo dates sometime around 1991. As you can see, I played the piano and the recorder. I had piano lessons for seven years, but only played the recorder for one year before joining band in middle school. At that point I began playing the alto and bass saxophones. I was bad ass.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Diaper Party
Rachel and I
The park closed at dark, so we packed up and everyone went home. Since there was still half a keg left over and a bunch of uncooked burgers, a couple of the guys came over to our house afterward. Travis got to use his Man Room, so it worked out great for me. We have satellite set up on the TV out there, plus the futon, a foosball table, then they added a keg and pulled out the grill. I went to bed at 10pm, but was unable to fall asleep until sometime after 10:45. I am so used to having Travis there when I go to bed that I have trouble when he's gone. Sounds like they had a good time all in all.
That next day I had to make the request that Travis stay sober for the next month. I woke up around 3 in the morning to a painful contraction. I stared at the clock for 10 minutes awaiting another contraction. When it never came, I finally let myself fall back asleep. It really scared me though. I was imagining me going into labor and having to figure out how to get to the hospital when my husband was probably too drunk to drive. That did not settle with me well, so I had to put my foot down. LOL! He seems to understand where I'm coming from.
Today I am officially full term. I had an OBGYN appointment yesterday afternoon and the doc confirmed that I am yet to show any signs of labor. She even went as far as to request that I hold it in for at least a week so she will be able to deliver the baby. This weekend she's not on call, so I would prefer to wait too.
Doc says I'm measuring between 37 and 38 weeks pregnant, putting me pretty much right on track. She also said that the baby is long and lean, meaning he's not a fatty yet. That was reassuring for the most part. The crappy part there is that means that most of this 168 pounds I'm carrying around is me. Explains why my feet hurt ALL THE TIME. You can see in that last picture with Rachel that I'm starting to swell up - let the edema begin! Another fun fact: Lil Wodie's heartbeat is down to 139 bpm.
We're rounding the final bend!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Whale in the Water
I thought this one was cute of Travis and I. My dad keeps making the remark that every picture of Travis and I together since I've been pregnant has contains at least one beer. This photo is no different. Sorry Dad! I promise that other beer in the floaty is not mine. I just happened to have the only cup holders in the pool, making me the holder of beer.