Wednesday, March 25, 2009

At Six Months

I was thinking the other day about how much I am enjoying being pregnant. For the most part, I feel great. There are a few things that I have had to deal with, but I've dealt with them as they come. Here are a few of the joys of pregnancy that stand out the most in my mind (at the moment)...

The other day after I went to the movies with Travis, I had to pee like nobody's business. The line for the restroom was ridiculous and since we only live 15 minutes from the theater, I decided to wait until we got home. As I was rushing to the bathroom, complaining about how full I was (we ate dinner, then went to the movies and ate popcorn and peanut butter M&M's) and Travis stops me to rub my belly and have a little talk with Lil Wodie. "Aw, is Mommy taking up all your room in there?" Forget him! The kid's taking up my space! That's where my bladder is supposed to go. And MY stomach. It is only going to get worse.

I've been wondering for the past six months when I was going to warm up. Everyone always says that pregnant woman are generally hot all the time. What with all the energy being spent to grow the baby and all. I have been nothing but freezing for months. Until these past few weeks that is. All of a sudden, I feel like my hands and feet are permanently on fire. At bed time, I have to go to sleep with the covers off. I usually wake up a few hours later a little chilly and pull up my blankets. But then I have to shove them off again when I get up to pee.

That brings on another pregnancy related issue - swelling hands and feet. For the most part, it only strikes at night while I am sleeping. So when I get up in the middle of the night to pee, it feels like I'm walking on pins and needles. Sometimes, I pause at the sink long enough to run my hands under cold water for a moment. Most of the time, I just drop back into bed. I'm up to twice a night now. On the weekends when I get to sleep in a couple hours, I get up three times to pee. Not bad when compared to Nadya and her six times a night though.

This new situation has come up in the past few months. It came about the same time that The Ladies decided they were going to grow a cup size or so. I drop food down my shirt ALL THE TIME. This is seriously a problem I never had before. Now that I actually have cleavage and a space for food to drop, my shirts are continually filled with food. Literally. I am constantly pulling bits of trail mix out from the tank top I wear under most clothes. I notice it because the little pieces of granola stab me.

Before I had time to run to the bathroom after the movie the other night, Travis noticed Callaway sniffing at something on the floor. He bent down to have a closer look and realized it was a piece of popcorn. "Callaway, how'd you get popcorn?" I knew right away that it must have fallen out of my shirt. I HAD been chipping away at a bag of the stuff only a few short hours prior.

It's amazing the situations that arise during pregnancy.

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