Sunday, March 22, 2009

Good One

Friday night, Travis and I went on a movie date and saw Knowing. We both thought it was awesome. It turned out to be nothing like what we thought it would be. I don't want to even give you clues to what the twist is because I think it would ruin it for those of you who see this. There is a reason why they don't show you certain scenes from the film in the trailers. Let's just say this movie really got us talking on the ride home.

There were a lot of very tense moments where I thought I would just jump out of my skin if something didn't happen soon. I worried that I was affecting the health of my child because I kept finding myself holding my breath. I think the combination of Coke, peanut butter M&M's (which I snuck into the theater thank you very much) and the adrenaline rush I had through the majority of the film, really woke up Lil' Wodie. He was a rolling fool!

I definitely recommend this movie.

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