Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Whatcha Doin' at the Courthouse?

Every morning on the ride into work, I listen to a morning show on the Houston rock station. At 7:50am, right before I get to my parking lot, I change the station to listen to a short segment that starts on another radio station. It's called Whatcha Doin' at the Courthouse? One of the morning show hosts, Sarah, goes to a courthouse and interviews the people coming out. As you can imagine, there are some very interesting people that are interviewed.

Sarah always makes sure to talk to everyone that is together, whether it's just one person, a couple or a group of people leaving the courthouse. They always have some crazy story that seems like it should only be found on TV. Like the lady who was divorcing her husband and fighting for child support. She had six kids, each with a different father, but all their names started with a 'J'. If I can recall correctly, she forgot one child and named one twice.

Today there was a woman who decided that she was bored and felt like sitting in on a random trial - instead of flipping on the TV or hanging out with friends. Oh and also on today? Some guy involved in de-ho-ing a house. As in, removing a "ho" from a house.

If you're like me, and find these people hilarious, check out the webcast at their website. I find the jingle at the beginning of each segment very catchy.

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