Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Robert!

This past Sunday we went over to Robert and Ariel's new house to celebrate Robert's birthday with a crawfish boil. Since it is the still beginning of crawfish season, the critters will a little smaller than hoped, but they were still tasty as can be! I LOVE crawfish. The first batch wasn't spicy enough for me, but the second and third pots were awesome.

The festivity as a whole was a little stressful for me. Despite Aiden being cranky with sickness, he did really well. We sat outside for a couple hours on a blanket. At first it was okay, but once all the guests began to arrive it seemed that every single one of them had brought there dog. 300 dogs = mass chaos. They were running all over the place, chasing each other, deciding who was top dog with displays of dominance. It was too much to take with my vulnerable baby sitting on the ground. I quickly sent Travis upstairs to grab the travel crib so Aiden would have a barrier between him and the unruliness.

Beyond the dogs, there were various other issues. Crawfish eating is not meant to be done with a baby in your lap. That meant we had to take turns eating until we had the bright idea to bring down the crib. The other minor issue was that we brought the wrong nipples for Aiden's bottles. He was so frustrated with the slow flow that he gave up several times. AND that meant we spent more time with Aiden while he ate, since there was no place to set him up to feed himself like we do at home - at least not with 300 dogs roaming the yard. Again, the crib solved this issue.

Things got a little better after half of the dogs were sent to the front yard. We headed home at 7:15 so we could get Aiden to bed. No, more so we could get me to bed. I was EXHAUSTED. I seriously was in bed by 8:30. And I still woke up worn out the next day.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Yay! Happy Birthday Robert!!!

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