Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dinners with Friends

This week turned out to be much more entertaining than I originally thought it would. As I was driving home from work on Tuesday, I was thinking about how much I did not want to just go home. I have been sick since late last week and all I had felt up for was watching TV and reading. I spent six evenings in a row laying on the couch.

I tried calling Ariel Tuesday afternoon to see if she was doing anything I could come to. That didn't work out because she was just getting ready to leave for a friend's house. Then, Surprise! Jenna sent me a text to say she would have a little free time before she had to get home to the kids. That almost never happens because she has a long commute home to pick up her children from the daycare provider.

When I got home from work, I had time to run over to Sara and JR's to give Logan is very belated birthday present. I may have hit the jackpot with the dinosaur-shaped flashlight. I'll have to check in with Mom and Dad later to see if he played with it after I left or if he was just trying to be nice while I was there. ;) Then, I got to spend several hours chatting with Jenna over dinner.

Last night, Travis and I ran up to Chris and Alexa's for dinner. That's a treat we don't get very often either. Not the dinner part, but the hanging out with them during the week part. Blair has a scheduled bedtime routine that I don't want to mess up and prego-me is usually tired by 9 or 10pm. That makes the 30-minute commute to their house a little rough during the week. They fed us fajitas, fresh off the grill and after dinner Alexa and I addressed the invites for my baby shower. They are SO CUTE! I can't wait for this shower. BABY STUFF!! THAT WILL BE MINE!!! =D

Blair had tubes put in his ears on Tuesday but he seemed to be doing pretty well. He had a little trouble falling asleep, maybe due to some pain, so we got out of the way to let Mom and Dad do their magic. Oh, and I had to go to bed.

For further entertainment this week, Jenna is dropping off her dog Halen tonight for us to watch over the weekend while she takes the kids on a trip to San Antonio. She has this tiny, long haired dog that they say is a cross between a chihuahua and a german shepherd. I try not to think about the process that was required to make that one! He is such a sweetie though. We love having him around. It will help change up our weekend no matter how things go.

I realized early this week that we have less than three months until this baby is born. I'm freaking out, people. I have SO MANY books I want to read and I'm afraid I don't have enough time. Alexa has recently showered me with books she read and I want to get through them all BEFORE the baby is born. I want to be educated on c-sections, in case I have to have an emergency cesarean. I want to read up on breastfeeeding, since I obviously have no personal experience with the process involved. I suddenly have a million questions for my OBGYN, so I feel like my next appointment can't come fast enough (it is scheduled for this next Monday).

I am trying not to get too anxious before the baby shower (May 2nd). I feel like we have so much stuff to get, but I don't want to buy anything until after then. There are some decorative items I could buy before then, but I feel guilty buying that sort of stuff before we purchase the functional items. You know, like bottles and a rocking chair. Ahhhh! Decisions, decisions!!!


Sara's Satire said...

Stop will all be fine! I know you want to have everything read BEFORE the baby comes, but a year from now you will look back and laugh! I read everything I could get my hands on, so trust me I get it. Just do what you can and dont worry about what you can't...a lot of it comes naturally anyway! Be sure to write down your questions though...that was my biggest thing, I forgot to write down questions, which meant that I forgot to ask!!!

Jenna said...

Sara is right! A lot comes naturally. And don't forget to write down your questions! Thanks for the talk Tuesday and dinner! And a big thanks for watching my dog! =D

Nikki said...

Bwaaaaaaa! (still freaking out)

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