Friday, April 3, 2009

Slumber Attack

I woke up this morning and started getting ready for work. I put on my ballet flats and was in the bathroom when I realized that my shoe was hurting my foot. At first I just thought it was because they were rubbing wrong, but then I remembered. Oh ya. Travis attacked me like a hawk in his sleep and scratched the top of my foot with his talons. AKA, toenails. I can't believe I forgot about being woken with a start around 3 in the morning because Travis put a 2-inch gash in my skin.

I pulled out some gauze, because the cut is too long for a bandaid and quickly came to find out that I could not efficiently reach my own foot. I can still put on shoes and socks, but I have to throw my knee out to the side to get around the belly. Since this cut was on the outside of my foot, I had to wake the hawk to help me attend to my wounds. It's not bleeding anymore, but I didn't think I would make it through the day with my shoe rubbing that scrape.

I slept like crap last night. I couldn't breathe out of my left nostril all night and when I got up for my mid-sleep pee break I noticed my left ear was plugged. So miserable. I guess this is a cold, because the glands in my neck are tender and I have a little bit of a nagging cough occasionally. Yuck.

I had another baby dream last night. I dreamt I delivered the baby and went two weeks before I realized that I forgot to breastfeed him. We had been feeding him. But it was with formula. I was so upset that my milk supply would be gone and I wanted to try starting up. Then I was confused because I realized I had never had the painful engorgement that everyone talks about when you don't breastfeed. So then I was thinking it must have only been a couple days since I had Lil Wodie. Even in my dreams I'm confused.

Last night was nice. Shannon was in town and needed a place to stay for the night, so she stayed with us. Travis worked a little late, so Shannon and I ate dinner together and then caught up on our lives as of late. Eventually we started watching The Incredibles. That movie is SO cute. I still want to buy it. I guess I have more of a reason to do so now that we have a child in our future. =)

1 comment:

Alexa said...

I think I had that stuffy thing the entire pregnancy. It totally went away within like 6 months of his birth. Of course then he started bringing home those ear, which cause other problems. HA! It is totally worth it.

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